Saturday, July 13, 2013

Eat how you want & shred off fat! How to use your RMR to your Advantage!
by Kyle Lance

What is RMR?
Losing weight means taking on difficult changes that many people struggle with. It’s an everyday battle exerting more calories out than you manage to shovel in. RMR stands for Resting Metabolic Rate and represents the minimum number of calories your body needs to function taking into account blood circulation, temperature regulation and fuel ventilation. By doing three things you can easily manage weight loss. First, calculate how many calories burn in a 24-hour period at rest (RMR). Second, track your daily exercise.  Finally, manage your daily food intake.

Calculating your RMR
For example, imagine that you're:
A woman
45 years of age
5’9” tall
195 lbs

...just go with it.  Grab a calculator, time for a quick math refresher!

RMR = (6.25 x height(cm)) + (9.99 x weight(kg)) - (4.92 x age) + 5 = MEN
RMR = (6.25 x height(cm)) + (9.99 x weight(kg)) - (4.92 x age) - 161 = WOMEN

However this formula uses the metric system.  
To make this easier, we've done the conversions below.  You can use a converter app or just ask Google: "How many centimeters is 5'9"?"

Height: 69(in) x 2.54(cm) = 175.26 cm
Weight: 195(lb) / 2.2(kg) =  88.63 kg
Age:  45

Now we put it all together

6.25 x 175.26 = 1,095.37
9.99 x 88.63 =  885.47
4.92 x 45 =  221.4

(6.25 x height(cm)) + (9.99 x weight(kg)) - (4.92 x age) + Gender Modifier
         1,095.37          +            885.47           -         60.4       +     (-) 161               = 1759.44 RMR

Track your daily exercise
The next step in the process would be to assess your daily calorie intake vs your daily calorie expenditure due to exercise. Now, be aware RMR is only contributing to the burn for required processes of the body this doesn’t account for walking or even standing. Lets go ahead and get into an example using 1500 calories as a cap for your daily food intake. This means before factoring in exercise there is an achieved burn of 259.44 calories per day (RMR 1,759.44 -1,500= 259.44). This means that in order to burn 500 calories a day, you only need around 240.56 calories of exercise... which can be done in 15 minutes or less! You may ask why 500; well burning 500 more calories daily than intaking will get you to a weekly total of 3,500. 3,500 calories equals ....a pound of fat!

Manage your food intake 
You can grab a food journal and go paper and pencil, or use technology that can contribute to your weight loss success. Search your app store for a food logging app that counts your caloric intake (My Fitness Pal works well, and can automatically fill in your meals from a huge database, or try these). Some apps will let you plug in your RMR in lieu of an automatic cap. Try this because it will help the app track your daily exercise requirement for you. Here’s an example for clarification; If I insert 1,760 as my budget then ate 1,583 calories. The app would always display your daily burn total in this example -177; you then would only need to find the difference from 500. Instead of mathematically factoring in your RMR against food budget and then that number against exercise needed. 

Of course there's more
This is a rough guide to get you started on tracking diet for weight loss success.  You can dig much deeper than calories in/calories out by taking into account the type of nutrients you're eating: eg, apples are probably better than oreos for most healthful goals.  You can go beyond weight loss and into muscle tone and development.  And it needs to be said that losing too much fat too fast can be harmful to your health, so just aim for 1 lb a week, and don't worry if you don't notice results immediately!  Check in with a trainer if you have any questions or to learn about the best ways to increase your RMR.  It's a lot of work, but we know you've got it in you!

We Can Help You!

And the best part of all this science is that WE CAN HELP YOU!  The Strong Center can create a personalized metabolic report for you, and explain how to use it to scientifically engineer your fat loss or muscle gain.

We can even create a customized meal plan based upon your nutritional needs and dietary preferences to make eating even easier for achieving your goals.  Give us a shout to get yours today